Questions About The Divine Healing Codes and Their Use

As you may understand, there are many questions about the Divine Healing Codes, and how to use them properly.  Although it is step-by-step description which is very clear:

  1. write code as shown here complete with spaces on skin with pen, finger, or crystal anywhere you like. I prefer my arm or leg but sometimes my abdomen too. I prefer a Vogel crystal because it has a point like a pencil and concentrates the energy--use it gently!
  2. immediately after write code in same exact way just above the skin into the aura
  3. repeat this at least once a day as guided by your intuition. 

No Reiki or other training in healing is required for them to work.  (Experience with energy healing is helpful, but with practice and a little confidence you will do well)

Distance healing is possible by using a photo or a physical object which makes you think of them and using the steps.  Ask your Guardian Angel to give the healing to their Guardian Angel who will know what to do with it. This honors Free Will.

The more you as a Healer/User of the Codes are in alignment with the will of Divine Mother the more the effectiveness the codes will be in use. Always respect her wishes. These codes are to be freely available to all. There is no profit to be made from them. They are not to be redistributed without approval through Reiki Doc in any media other than for personal use. 

Reiki Doc

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